Water play experiences in Mieders
Just below the Alpengasthaus Koppeneck, a world of splashing, building, damming and cooling awaits all water lovers. Troughs have been built from larch wood and fresh, clear mountain water flows over the brick-built stream. What happens when I dam up the water? How does it feel to jump into the mud with bare feet? Questions that can't be answered just like that. Visit these new adventure spots on the Serles lifts and experience how much fun young and old explorers have with the element of water.

Serlespark for the perfect family holiday in the Stubai Valley
Everyone will find their perfect mountain experience here. Our three crystal-clear lakes are ideal places to cool off, relax and play. While the little ones have fun in the water play area with a cone float, white water course and raft, adults can relax in the oases of peace around the Serlesseen lakes.

Im Kid's Park Klaus Äuele erwartet euch eine aufregende Wasserwelt mit einer Vielzahl neuer Stationen, die nur darauf warten, von euch entdeckt zu werden:
- Entdeckt die "Spirale des Theodorus" mit Kletterwänden.
- Balanciert und hangelt im Seildschungel, am Wackelstamm oder im Niederseilgarten aus Natursteinen und natürlich belassenen, hochwertigen Hölzern der Robinie und Eiche.
- Trainiert mit dem Wackelband, Schwingtau und der Doppel-Schaukel.
- Genießt die Aussicht auf der Plattform "Nest des Uferläufers".
- Chillt und relaxt auf der Wiese am Wasser.
- Balancier-Kletterparcours
- Flying Fox über das Wasser
Water march in the Stubai Valley:
As we all know, it's not just children who love the cool water. Adults also enjoy a refreshing dip in summer. The Klaus Äuele river and alluvial landscape, the Serles lakes in Mieders or the Kampler See lake impress with the best water quality and plenty of sunbathing space. The Aqua Adventure Park or the StuBay leisure centre are just a stone's throw away from your Hotel Serles - fun for the whole family.

Those looking for even more far-reaching views will find an architectural highlight on the new Koppeneck viewing platform. From here, you can enjoy a fantastic view over the Stubai and Wipptal valleys as well as the Karwendel mountains, Innsbruck and the Inntal valley. "Serlesblick" and "Karwendelblick" are two other platforms worth seeing in the Serlesbahnen hiking area. On the way to the highest monastery in Europe, Maria Waldrast, you will pass the Serles platform: the view from here is self-explanatory.